Are Radon Tests Accurate?
As a radon mitigator, I often get the question. “How accurate are radon tests?”
Consumer grade radon tests can be broken up into two categories, short term and long term. A short term test can last anywhere from 2 to 90 days. A long term test is anything past those 90 days. Many of you may have already picked up a charcoal test kit from Home Depot, Lowes, or online, these are considered short term tests. There are also long term, consumer grade monitors that we see a lot of our customers using, which they leave in their basement to watch the levels over time. The long term tests will generally be more accurate (but often more expensive), this is because with a 2 day test, there are so many variables at play, such as barometric pressure, weather, the house itself, the HVAC system, and just the simple fact that consumer grade test kits aren’t as accurate as a professional test. This is why if you’re using a charcoal test, it might be a good idea to retest if the levels are close to dangerous levels (4 pCi/L).
The best option, for short term reliable results are with a licensed professional using a CRM which stands for "Continuous Radon Monitor". These monitors are calibrated once a year, are extremely sensitive to true radon levels, and are placed in the best location to ensure the most accurate readings. These are used and trusted by realtors, home inspectors, and concerned homeowners to make sure they’re given the correct information.
So before you spend money on a mitigation system, make sure that you know what your true radon levels are and contact Harner Radon Relief at 1-330-274-2390 to schedule a professional test!